Miss Theresa's Child Care
Parent-Provider Agreement
Owner Theresa Costantini
Child's name) ______________________
will join Miss Theresa's Child Care Program, starting on ___/___/___.
Daycare will be closed on the following days :
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving and the day after,
All day’s between Christmas eve, and New Year‘s Day .
There will be no charge for provider's illness or emergency that prevents care.
Payments are always due on Monday mornings for that week of care.
Please make checks payable to ‘ Theresa Costantini ’.
Sorry, but I do not except post dated checks.
Seeing that I am open from 7am - 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday,
there might be a time when a scheduled event might prevent care.
In that case a daycare helper may provide for the day/afternoon.
Parent will always be given prior notice, except when an emergency may occur.
Your contracted daycare hours are:
______am/pm to ______am/pm
on days ____________through ___________
at a cost of $___________ per week.
Full Time = 5 days
Part Time = 4 days and under
The same days are scheduled each week. You will be responsible for your set weekly fee, each week even if your child is absent.
If you require different days for different weeks, you will be required to pay a full time spot. If the child is sick or not attending one of those days,
payment is still due for that day.
Your set weekly fee is expected to hold your child's spot for any time off.
For the purpose of this agreement, overtime will be considered as drop-off before
7a.m. and pick-up after 4p.m.
I am open from 7 am to 4:00 pm. This does not mean you child can attend anytime during these hours. You are paying for your contracted time only. If you are dropping off later then usual, you will still be required to pick up at the same time as usual. If you would like to pick up later on that day, you will be responsible for an overtime charge. If the parent makes prior arrangements with the provider, the child may stay overtime, at the following rate: $10.00 per hour or any portion thereof. If the parent has not informed the provider that he or she will be arriving earlier (in morning) or later than the agreed upon times, the following rate will be charged: $1.00 per minute or any portion thereof. Payments that are not received on Monday will be subject to a $10.00 late charge. (per day)
All late charges are to be added to next weeks payment.
Parents will provide all diapers, wipes, a bathing suit, copy of shot record,
and an extra outfit.
Children that are 15 months and up will need a blanket to leave at daycare.
I, (parent's name) _______________________________________________,
hereby give Theresa Costantini, (provider’s name) or daycare helper
permission to take my child, on field trips as part of the program.
Field trips consist of walking to Hunter Elementary, on a
walk around the block, or walk to the fenced in duck pond. (a block and a half away)
Parents are to provide sunscreen for their own child. Miss Theresa prefers
an aerosol spray type. By signing this agreement, the parent gives permission
to Miss Theresa or the daycare helper to apply sunscreen to their child.
Daycare provider has the right to re-examine all contracts yearly.
A two week notice will be given to all parents if there is a change.
By signing this contract, parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to abide by
written policies of Miss Theresa's Child Care. The provider may
amend these policies by giving the parent(s)/guardian(s) a copy
of the changed policies at least 2 weeks before they go into effect.
Mother's signature _____________________________Date__________
Father's signature ______________________________Date___________
Provider's signature ____________________________Date___________
As your child grows,
everyday is a learning experience for them and us.
We welcome input from parents, and we look
forward to serving your
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